Friday, August 5, 2016

Open-Mouth Surgery

Open-Mouth Surgery

a poem by Asher Barzaga

Remember the time you first told me to smile?
You followed it up with all kinds of personal questions.
How often do you floss? Do you smoke? When was your last check in?
“You are so bold,” I thought.

In truth it had been years.
My last experience wasn’t the best, and the pain wasn’t worth without some kind of insurance.
Eventually I regained some much-needed assurance and I was ready to try again.
Well, that and my newly vulnerable chipped tooth.

So here I am, opening myself to someone I didn’t truly know about 5 minutes ago.
Your hands were pale white, but warm, warmer than any other hands that caressed my face.
Your eyes, they shined, halogens, spotted, not flooded.
You couldn’t wait to know me.

I was hesitant at first.
Why did someone care? Do you really care? Why would you want to fix me?
“It can be saved,” you said. “The nerves, they’re not completely dead.”
You said that so nonchalantly.

After a few seconds of getting to know me I began to feel numb.
I was afraid of course, I thought about shutting out.
All I could think about was the past and how I’ve been hurt before.
You just said, “Let me know if you ever feel pain.”

It was strange.
Your actions, they pierced me, but they didn’t hurt.
There was a surreal realization inside.
You saw the worst of the worst and still kept going.

After a couple of hours we were done.
You kept up with your honesty.
There might be some pain later, if that happens just let me know.
You gave me a reason to smile again.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Review

Given the fandom of both the Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem games have, I'm surprised with the feeling that Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE flew under the radar. Then again every game lives in the shadows of the colossi that are Overwatch and Pokemon GO currently; regardless of genre.

I've been a fan of Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem games for awhile now. I started the Tensei series with a game called Nocturne and haven't really looked back since. I think the Persona games are Atlus' A+ creations. I adored the fresh aspects to the puzzle genre with Catherine. I think both the Devil Survivor games are some of the best that the DS and 3DS have to offer. Same is said with Fire Emblem and Radiant Dawn. I was truly hooked though when Fire Emblem: Awakening arrived on the 3DS, a game that I still think is the best game on the platform.

So yeah, to say I was excited for Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE might be an understatement.

I found myself in the minority though. The quiet release could have been a response to the fact that the game isn't what the fans wanted. Most people expected a true Fire Emblem/Shin Megami Tensei crossover: demons fighting heroes of old in a combat system that truly embraced the best of both worlds. There was also the fact that the game would be tainted with censorship, a huge turnoff for those who want the original, as if an original is the only way to enjoy a game.

If that's what Nintendo had to do to get the game here for American audiences then that's actually quite fine. The nuances of gameplay and story don't really suffer at all from the very minor bouts of censorship. At the end of the day the game is still very steeped in Japanese culture, so for those still questioning about whether or not to get this game due to the censorship, I really don't see a big deal with the changes.
Ad-lib attacks are a potential reward for
nailing the enemy weakness

Now, what you expected from the gameplay vs. what the game actually is might be a big deal. As mentioned earlier, people wanted a game that combined the best aspects of Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei. What they're going to get is a straight up Shin Megami Tensei style game. Is this bad? Not necessarily. I'm a fan of those games. They do an absurdly good job of making turn-based games feel fast. They also reward players for figuring out how to deal with enemies by giving them high damage attack chains. They do a good job of making the player a dictionary for the game. I love this. But if you don't like the Shin Megami Tensei and wanted something more along the lines of Fire Emblem gameplay, you might want to look elsewhere. Or don't, because this gameplay is very rewarding and quite fun regardless of what was expected.

The rest of the fun for the game stems from the wacky light-hearted story that comes with it. The game is about a group of Japanese idols who work for an agency called Fortuna Entertainment. This agency also doubles as a group dedicated to slaying mirages: ethereal beings who want to suck the creativity out of unknowing victims.

Like I said, wacky, but kudos for never shying away from that.

The game is fully dedicated to making this premise inhabitable for your suspension of disbelief by fully buying in. Certain characters in the main cast are singers, models, or actors. Oh, speaking of main cast, that's what your party is called. Anyone who isn't in your main cast are in the sub cast and later on in the game can join in during fights to provide a moment to shine. All the characters are fun, some more than others, but the cast is small enough that you don't fully overlook any of them. In fact, the character I used the least actually ended up being my MVP for the final boss battle.

The story is complimented with cut scenes that imitate the animation style of your typical idol anime. It's a great way to show character performances and some of them are just absurd, in particular Yashiro's performance. My sister was in the room when I initiated the cut scene and she is quoted with saying "This is life-changing." It's an exaggeration of course, these scenes are all in good fun.

If you're looking for a JRPG fix, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE is one of the best that I've played in awhile. It's also the first that I've been willing to beat in awhile. JRPGs require dedication and this one was very worthwhile with me clocking in about 60 hours. Some aspects in the story probably won't be remembered, but the story is a fun respite from our wait for their ace in the hole: Persona 5.

Monday, April 25, 2016

My Heart is in Hearthstone

So... are you guys as excited about the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion as me?


Regardless, I'm at the very least passionate enough to throw out some thoughts; some who-the-whatsits for our upcoming Old Overlords.

While it's true that I'm not known as an absurdly avid Hearthstone player, I have been picking it up more and more as the new set comes in and we start having a shifting meta. I used to be a truly avid Magic: the Gathering player and this new set has me intrigued with it's possibilities.

In other words, to those who do play Magic, I haven't been this intrigued in a card game since Hedron Dredge came onto the scene, which is just a flat out interesting concept for a deck.

So, what cards have captured my interest? First is Fandral Staghelm.

Hello, I'm a Big Mac Combo.

Fandral Staghelm is fun because he fulfills a common concept found in a lot of CCG: the two-for-one. Now, any Choose One card boasts the idea of a two-for-one already. What's awesome about Fandral is that it makes them better because you don't have to choose. You get to do two potentially great plays.

This was why Jund has become a common staple in Magic: the Gathering. It always followed the concept of a two-for-one. No single card had only one effect in a Jund deck and we might see something like that in Hearthstone if the selection of Choose One cards are actually strong.

Next card is Evolve.

Weenies no More
Evolve, to me, seems broken. The only argument I'd say against it is that it's random. Still, if you come up with some kind of aggro deck that can pop out a bunch of weenies quickly in the early game and you drop this?

This 1 mana card.

Boy, could they be in for a hurting.

Obviously the randomness is the downside. But we also know that the minions are being transformed into minions that cost 1 more. The potential positives just outweigh the potential negatives here.

Our third card is the Eternal Sentinel.

I hope you like losing
We can hop back into our Fandral Staghelm concept with this one. This card is a devastating 2-for-1.

First off, a 3/2 critter for 2 mana is inherently, at the very least, decent. I actually think it's GREAT, but for the sake of not getting too excited for something that hasn't seen play yet, let's just say it's decent.

That'd be the case if it were just a 3/2 for 2.

This card also unlocks your overloaded mana crystals.

Oh? The board I just wiped? Your fatty I just zapped? My golem I summoned? Let me get all that mana back for next turn please.

Oh, yeah, and my DECENT 3/2 critter as well.

And the last card I look forward to trying: C'Thun.

I'm... So... Old...
C'Thun looks fun for all the right reasons. It's a card design that is based on a character that many people are familiar with due to World of Warcraft.

And even if you never played WoW the flavor of this card has deck builders ready to make this card the late game bomb that it's destined to be.

Think about a Mage control deck that revolves around this card. There's a particular C'Thun supporter that boosts C'Thun's power by 1 every time you play a spell.

Oh, let me wipe your board then kick you later with my massive critter.

The possibilities are endless and this card reeks of potential as far as a late game bomb is concerned.

Needless to say, I'm very excited for this set. I hope to see some of y'all in the random matchups but until then stay inside. The Old Gods are comin.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Why Anyone Would Jump Over Time Pieces is Beyond Me

So. Overwatch comes out soon.

I was given the very fortunate opportunity to play about...

*checks watch*

3 hours of the beta with my sister, who, by the way, was a huge fan of Team Fortress 2.

Our initial reactions have been one of immense excitement.

First off I would like to point out that I was completely sucked into it's intrigue upon watching it's first cinematic trailer. Also, let's be honest. It was actually more or less a short film. Now that's fun. As a filmmaker and critic of both the filmic and gaming spectrum I was hooked. The film wasn't quite Pixar, I knew this in my mind, but it damn sure did a great job of making it feel like Pixar.

The marketing campaign up to this point has followed suit. 2 short films have been released up to the point of this blog post: Recall and Alive. Both are great. Both are immersing me.

And that's the appeal that's really getting me excited not just to play the game of Overwatch, but also what Overwatch is as an entity. It's a game like this has no business having a true immersive universe. A game of this genre calls for good, clean fun with good replayability and updates here and there to keep the game fresh. Where the hell did this sense of story come from?

So I can see some people saying this isn't new... like... at all. It has the gameplay of Team Fortress and the short films are kind of like the ones that Valve also did.

I get that, I really do, but the fact is that plenty of people have done plenty of the same things and what ends up standing out among the sea of clones is execution.

I've felt genuine emotion as I watch Widowmaker jump off the building and aim for her mark in the short film. I shouted an oh no! as my Roadhog was gunned down during an assault mission and leapt for joy as I heard my sister's character: Mercy yell "HEROES NEVER DIE!" It was true. As soon as I heard those words my Roadhog got back up, guns ablaze.

An emotional response like that doesn't just come from intriging world building and being just a fun game. No, I'm giddy just thinking about team comps and strategies. I suppose the feeling I can compare it to was when I signed up to play League of Legends during it's year of inception. I had played games like it before (DotA) but I hadn't played an iteration like this. And I was hooked from that point on.

But this still also feels different.

Blizzard has that kind of attention to detail that makes me feel like there's so much more. I can't wait to see more short films and I can't wait for the open beta. If Blizzard keeps this up, this will truly be a hero that never dies.