Thursday, March 28, 2024


 I've been ridiculously tired since the daylight savings shift.

That being said it's felt incredibly eventful, which is why I haven't written any of this in awhile.

Ok, thoughts.

Had a screening of Night is Short, Walk on Girl. Didn't seem like people liked it if I'm being honest. This has made me want to punch the audience in the face with REDLINE. If that doesn't work out then I don't know. It'd be weird for an anime bar to not be the scene for... anime movies in general. Will always film there and am excited to film with the new camera.

Had a homie's bachelor party and that was really fun! Very excited for the goon, got to break keto for a lil, and enjoy some good cooking. We did a pedal pub. That was goofy. Actually really loved that energy. I learned about gin! I now have a profound appreciation of it and how it behaves as a mixer.

Other than that I'm running around trying to keep things organized down the pipeline. It gives me much anxiety because I just want everything organized and to fall into place. It's hard to be flexible when strict placement is what I need.

Anyway, I have to go because league game, but hopefully I can be more concrete in the next post.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Ebb and Flow


I find myself in very strange places mentally. I just have so much going on. I know I'm too hard on myself. It's fascinating because I just had a like... an hour long conversation about Charlie Kaufman. He was always an interesting screenwriter to me because he often is perceived as someone who projects himself upon his characters. This is, of course, both figuratively and literally. I feel so much like a Charlie Kaufman character. I finally mustered up the courage to play some league today. It was fun! But I still can't escape the brain worms. They say so much about my flaws in the game, why people wouldn't want to play with me in the bot lane. I try so much to ignore it, but it's like... some sort of identity crisis. There is a part of me that makes me feel so unbearable. I can't stand it. But then there's another side. This insane hype beast mode side that just... feels the need to pop off and hype people up constantly. It's all so very confusing. I feel like I'm in the middle of some tug o war.

Otherwise I also have anxiety about the weekend. I've had conversations with my sister that I've felt like I've had some kind of early on set dementia. I know that's not something to joke about or take lightly. I'm not. I genuinely have an anxiety that I constantly forget things or I confuse things. I originally stated that I wanted to record the podcast on Saturday. I was  then asked to double check that it was Sunday. AND I SAID YES. I SAID YES BECAUSE I THOUGHT THEY SAID SATURDAY. I felt so dumb about that. I became upset because I just want this to be consistent. I know I originally pitched it to the group that I do it with that it'd be flexible. But now, as time has passed. I want it to be consistent. I want it... to be of value. I really do, especially now that I feel like I don't have so much time in the day anymore. I don't know... I feel very lost.

Money still creates an anxiety, but that's only because I have some expenditures that I really care for for the next month. I'll be talking to a financial advisor on Monday. Hopefully that can put my mind at ease...

Otherwise it's time for bed. I hope we can podcast tomorrow as opposed to Sunday...

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


 I definitely had some minor brain worms the other day. Everything was a cluttering barrage of thoughts. My mind has been all over the place when not at work or in my dreams. Speaking of dreams I had one of THOSE dreams last night. A long form dream where I fell in love. I don't really want to talk about them. I don't like them, mostly because I wake up from them, but also because of the reality that it doesn't  provide that same feeling as a real relationship. Anything I dream about is fabricated and since I've never had a a relationship I'd consider loving I know that whatever my head has cooked up is a flight of fluffed up fancy. It's all a bummer.

I also have a little bit of anxiety with the upcoming cast. Once again, not completely ideal circumstances. I used to want to have a cast that was very flexible. We can just schedule it whenever and move it depending on life events but nowadays I find myself wanting it to be consistent, especially since I want it to be consistent for the audience and I want my time to edit correctly. I don't know, it's all new thoughts.

I also have to hunker down and blaze through I, Robot. I really want that book to be a part of the conversation, at least something I bring to it. I'm also uncertain if I like Pluto. It's a slow burn and normally I'm cool with slow burns, but there's so many characters constantly being introduced I'm unsure how to feel. I'll hopefully be able to compose better thoughts on it as I finish and get my notes compiled, but maybe my friend is right. How does this separate itself from the rest of the medium?

I'm also considering playing Modern MTG. We'll see. It's not something I can just hop into. Even though I got my first paycheck I still got a friend's bachelor party this month and then his wedding next. I gotta balance my budget better. At least for sure early on. I JUST got my job after all. I can't suddenly go ham on what I used to do.

Oh, I also had an idea for a short story. I don't think I'll write it. I don't really write stories anymore. I don't really know what I want from something like that. There's certainly a part of me that longs for it, but with everything going on and how I have to balance my time is that even a voice I listen to? No. No, I don't think so. We'll see how it goes I suppose.

Sunday, March 3, 2024


 I don't know when it happened, but I've noticed that certain aspects of my social life are no more. Or rather, they're not... how do I put this? I'm just confused.

They're definitely intrusive thoughts but there's also no denying that something has changed. I've went through multiple days now over a weekend where the friends I used to talk to daily and just hear their voices just... don't. I'm so used to when I'm alone in a discord they'd just... show up. I don't know what happened.

There are friends who are now I suppose moving into that slot. I adore them, but I don't like that I'm losing the others. I don't know what happened and it's driving me insane.

Also, people wonder why I don't ask people to do things often times. It becomes like... unbearable when you ask and it's always no. Eventually I just want to stop. Even this weekend I tried again, once again no. I just don't understand.

I'm lost in this delirium and somehow the ship is balanced. Certain aspects of my life are healthier than ever. I have a clean room, I take on work full force, I'm focused on my hobbies. It's just that it's now not with people I used to do it with.

Is it the acknowledgement of a slowly decaying friendship? I'm unsure. And to those that think why can't people just be distant now? I get that, but I have a... let's call a table. I want to throw all of my affection at the people who sit at this table. I don't really care for people who sit near it or are maybe sitting at the table and just not... there?

Ugh, I'm so lost right now. I just want to play Magic, I want to play games, but now I don't know what to do. It also just makes me feel like I'm a problem. Maybe I am, I've been so frustrated the past couple of months.

I have to throw all this into other things, work, the podcast, etc. Maybe it'll fix itself or maybe I have to accept some sort of breakdown.