Monday, February 26, 2024

Trial of the Dragon


This post was actually supposed to be done on the 22nd but I had been running around all weekend.

My title is in reference to bearded dragons. I want one pretty bad. I often find myself in a weird situation because I want a dog but my sister is allergic to them but then I want a cat and my mom is allergic to them, on top of the fact that I watch mom's dogs occasionally too so that's just a recipe for disaster.

A bearded dragon is a great middle ground for me. For awhile I wanted a chameleon but those are reptiles that don't like to get handled. It's not that beardies like to get handled but rather I think they're indifferent to it, so it can like... vibe with me.

Anyway, enough lizard talk. I'm lucky to have Cary in my corner. We quickly got the photoshops in for the tech difficulties in the podcast. We also made a thumbnail that I really like! This season of the podcast has gotten off on the right foot despite the issues.

Speaking of issues, I'll be hoping to remedy some soon. Good news! I got my first paycheck. Bad news! It's taking 50 years to clear for some reason, so I don't actually have the money. That being said I was able to make my first major purchase. I'm a big advocate that your first paycheck should be something special. in this situation I bought a Sony A7 IV. This should hopefully remedy any camera woes as well as up our quality. I unfortunately had to get a Best Buy credit card in order to do the monthly payment option, which is fine, I'll just never touch it.

The only things that really concern me these days is the block of time now. Every job I've had since the lockdown was either work from home or hybrid. Having to go to an office 5 days out of the week has really taken getting used to. Also, this is straight up a block of time I have to dedicate to it all, fully. It's strange and now I have to be picky and choosy about what I do with my remaining time, especially since I put a hard cap on going to bed at 11 at the latest. This all isn't a bad thing, it's just a lot to get used to.

Also, I've started to lose weight again. It's steady, I'm back on keto and the pace is good. It's weird, I'm fully in this zone of like... it's just good for me. I know this, but eventually, just like last time, the compliments are gonna come like... "oh, you lost weight!" or "lookin' good dude." I always feel weird about it, because I would rather be... eating anything. But as I've learned my life isn't only mine. Yeah, that's just word jumble. I don't know. I don't really like compliments about losing weight. It's a necessity, not some goal I have. I also don't care about the physical aesthetics that come with it because it doesn't change how I would want people to view me. Regardless of what people say I do not find myself attractive and no one I've ever cared to want to find me attractive has ever found me attractive. This isn't just physical, this is also personality. This is purely health and I'm content with that, which is why it's weird. Whatever.

So what do I do with my time now? Do I still play League? Do I want to play mtg? I got back into the Arena. That's been fun. I've also been making a commander deck every day. That rules. I just haven't played commander. Which I might be fine with? I'm unsure. I love the act of building decks and I love the possibility. I have often hated how most of my commander games go though, so I nowadays contend with whether or not I actually enjoy playing it. I thought about why I dislike the politicking aspect of commander, because I think I definitely come across as a person who would enjoy that. I think I don't because it doesn't have a natural component to conceal. You have to conceal yourself. What I mean, it's not normal in a game of commander to have a "spy" or "mafia" which is intrinsically sewn into the games of deceit I do enjoy. It's just... he said she said, and I hate that, because I cannot navigate that. Otherwise I've been enjoying drafting Karlov despite how slow it is and how bad I'm doing. Card games are just fun.

I'm excited for two things: Kiss Me Deadly tomorrow (my favorite noir film) and the next podcast episode. The subject is the anime Pluto, which is literally Astro Boy. Pretty wild. Anyway, alot of thoughts, just wanted to get it out on paper. I work again tomorrow and work Saturday for the Home and Patio Show. Hopefully that's fine.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024



I don't really get wildly anxious anymore; not ever since I've been on medication. This is great! I don't have panic attacks anymore but I do still feel the anxiety. I often think to myself at specific moments "Wow, I'd be having an anxiety attack right about now!"

During the past few days I've felt that anxiety and I'm thankful that I'm on that medication. Having watched a feature film after work on Monday and watching Mildred Pierce after work on Tuesday I wondered if I'd even be able to edit the comeback episode of the podcast I host (JSB Animecast). I definitely don't regret watching The Taste of Things or Mildred Pierce (Spoiler Alert: I will NEVER regret watching Mildred Pierce) but certainly one of the egos in my head couldn't help saying "Yeah, that's really why you didn't find success in that field." 

Luckily given the state of things and the method to material I was relieved to find out I didn't have to do much. I synced audio with my faux slate (my hands), threw in some intro music, cut out the stuff where we were not doing the cast and then the footage ends (the camera only had one battery) so the rest is audio! The last bits needed really is editing the middle portion where we talk about upcoming events coming to Nakama (where we shot the podcast) and secure some sort of visual for the thumbnail as well as on screen when it's just audio (which is a majority of it).

Now I'm looking to improve where I can. I'm thinking about buying a camera with my first paycheck from the new job. I can't outright pay for it, but they do those monthly payment plans and no interest if I pay it off in 12 months. I have a lot to catch up with money wise and adding this probably isn't the wisest, but I really do want video to go along with the cast. Still, because of the past 5 months money continues to be an anxiety. I constantly just want to provide to those around me. It's even stronger nowadays because honestly without their support I don't know if I'm even here today. It means a lot.

At least I feel good about work. I'm lucky to have a very good boss. He's able to not just compliment or tell me I'm doing well but he's specific, so it doesn't feel like hot air. You know of those corporate "You're a rock star" types. He doesn't do that. It feels genuine and that's refreshing. I just hope every day that I am not annoying the person who is training me.

The last thing I do think about is how little time I have now. My body just can't go beyond 11 PM practically anymore if I want to be rested for work. Given my vast amount of interests this bums me out. I want to stream, I want to play certain games, etc. I just can't. I have to edit, if I do play a game it has to be a game that won't stress me out, I want to watch movies, I want to watch anime, the jumbled mess in my brain goes on and on.

All that said it does feel like the world is much more steady than before. It no longer feels as if I'm in some sort of spiraling delirium where I have to cling to any semblance of hope I can find. I look forward to the weekend where I get to watch Oppenheimer and show that to folks who have never seen. I cannot express how much that's one of my favorite activities. Showing my favorite pieces of media to my friends really brings me life. Oh, and I have to find time for Pluto, the anime for the next anime cast. At least those moments I'll really treasure.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Forecast and Old Wounds


It's been a very fascinating past two days.

I'm lucky that my anxiety about the JSB Animecast coming back was quelled but admittedly a ton that could go wrong did go wrong. It will be a shoddily put together project but I don't feel as bad about it as I think I normally would. Is it like... just a lack of caring? I'm not sure. I'm gonna put effort to put the best thing out and a lot of things are certainly out of my control. It's just a far cry of all I've ever wanted. Is it acceptance? I'm unsure. I don't know, I won't want to think about it too much.

I did love the discussion of the episode. I'm lucky to have co-hosts who are thoughtful and fun.

The rest of that day would be interesting. I drove over to Best Buy to get an SD card reader in order to read the footage. I then stopped over the nearby music store. They let you walk in and play the instruments. Of course I grabbed some sticks and mashed on the electric drums for a bit. It was relaxing. Just a basic rock beat. I walked and skimmed more instruments. What if I kept playing the sax? What if I picked up violin? Oh look! An accordion! Can you imagine me being an accordion player? That's absolutely unhinged. Man, if I had the money I would've scooped everything then and there. I often wonder about my lack of focus outside of work.

From there I moseyed to Leaderboard Arcade. There was a surprising amount of kids there for a rainy Sunday. I felt anxious about the jacket I was wearing. It has the main character from Darling and the Franxx on the back and is stanced up as if she's flipping you off. I didn't want all the kids to see it so I took off my jacket for a bit. It's not like I was cold so it was fine. I played a little of the Godzilla pinball machine. I'm not very good at pinball. I wish I was, but it was fun regardless. I proceeded to the Taiko drum set but there were kids on it. I didn't feel like waiting so I just took the car and drove to the KBBQ place that I was going to meet my friends at.

When I got there I was about 30 minutes early so I just kind of sat there in my care listening to music. Nothing too crazy. Just the sound of the rain hitting the tin of my car and Perisai Jitu by Moona Hoshinova.

Eventually it was time and I made my way inside to see Jennii and Paul. You might know Jennii, she hosts the podcast with me and Paul is her husband. We had a good time! It was the first time in a while I didn't have to do all the cooking at KBBQ, which is fine if I do, but I can also equally enjoy being catered too. Eventually the dinner would take a surprising turn. Don't worry, I wouldn't say in a bad way.

Jennii asked me about my history with an old friend. We'll call him K. K went to high school with her and she had told me he said hi once. When that happened I very clearly responded with a deflated "oh..." You see, there was a point in my life where I felt K and I were inseparable. We lived together for a lot of my time in film school. He had a creative spirit I admired and I think he enjoyed the company of someone who wasn't so jaded by the system. It was wild to recount this history. Jennii had visited the houses I lived at and I didn't even know it. The thought was kind of surreal but also kind of neat.

I explained the eventual fall out. I talked about feeling lonely during my pursuits in Atlanta. I mentioned the death knell that was a short film I wanted to make for an HBO showcase. I brought up how after graduating I worked on films for a year without pay waiting for him (which was really stupid of me). At the end of the day we were all trying to find our way. I feel stupid for have ever believing I could find success in that world. Took a lot to not just break down crying in the middle of a hot pot joint.

So I didn't, that was that. Bringing that up doesn't affect our friendship, even though Jennii still talks to K. I went over to their place after to watch music videos, a favorite pass time of mine, then went home and to bed at the normal hours for work the next day.

Work was standard. I continue to appreciate the people I work with. They're patient. They're funny. They're knowledgeable. Really lucky in that regard.

After that I ended up watching a film with my friend Brando. We watched a film called The Taste of Things. It's the French submission for best foreign film this year. It stars my favorite actress: Juliette Binoche. She rocked. The movie was cool and I've never heard a stomach growl louder. It made me contemplate the value of food and how much I love cooking for my friends. I really do hope they enjoy it. I hope it does taste good.

I'm now working on editing the podcast mentioned in the beginning. I'll go to bed at normal hours. A little bummed I haven't fit any games in. I don't know... time is tight now and staying late would be fun, but no doubt my health would take a rapid decline. I can't shake that feeling. The weird nostalgia of university. At least I had hope then. Back to work.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

You Will Be Found

 Surprisingly I'm not talking about the musical Dear Evan Hansen.

I saw two found footage films today. One was a pretty safe bet. REC is one of my favorite films of all time. A horror house blast of a film clocking in at about a nice 1 hour 30. I still scream, I still get caught off guard.

The other film we slotted tonight that acted as the 2nd of a double feature was one I had never heard of. It's called Gonjiam Haunted Asylum. It's a Korean horror film that features, of all things, a bunch of STREAMERS entering a haunted asylum. I won't spoil it. It's a blast of a time and it's not just good found footage horror. It's good horror.

I'm a little anxious about running the podcast tomorrow. I worry about my spark. Honestly it feels like it doesn't exist. There's a side of Asher that is definitely steering the ship, but he feels like a one man crew. He's working over time to steer, get the mast unfurled, make sure land is ho or w/e. I will do my best and hopefully it all works out.

Otherwise the rest of today was just... sleep. Thoughts are difficult. Don't know what I'm doing outside of work. My best, I guess.

Friday, February 16, 2024

A Turn

 I find myself these days at a strange... state?

I am very happy to have my new job. I'm lucky in that regard. It's nothing like I ever thought I'd be doing even 3 weeks ago and everyone has been kind to me. But it is a huge shake up.

I know there's a lot of memes about like... fun-employed. The weird complaining of it, and the weird state of it. I know for me I was agitating and honestly I couldn't go day to day without feeling as if I made those around me miserable. But also, I got to hang out with friends. I got to play WoW and they would play with me and they would interact with me. That was a bare minimum.

Then there's streaming. Even though I had all this time to stream my viewership was at an all time low. I don't know what happened. I still did things I liked, but I cannot help but tie it to myself as a person, the agitating person I had become. Feeling unbearable as I wallowed in my state of misery.

I just don't know anymore, I  work a 8-5 and I feel even more distant. I can't play league without a lane partner, it makes me feel miserable. Streaming isn't that much of a source of joy anymore because I don't interact with others anymore; which was what I loved most about streaming. It's a barren desert now. I don't know how I feel about mtg any more because I can't help the thoughts that I run into playing that either.

A lot of things that bring me joy no longer do and in that regard I cannot help but feel as if I've distanced myself from some around me.

I'm caught in something strange, truly grateful yet a feeling of loneliness and distance. I'll figure it out I'm sure, but I cannot shake the feeling of something ending or going a way I cannot bare.