Sunday, March 3, 2024


 I don't know when it happened, but I've noticed that certain aspects of my social life are no more. Or rather, they're not... how do I put this? I'm just confused.

They're definitely intrusive thoughts but there's also no denying that something has changed. I've went through multiple days now over a weekend where the friends I used to talk to daily and just hear their voices just... don't. I'm so used to when I'm alone in a discord they'd just... show up. I don't know what happened.

There are friends who are now I suppose moving into that slot. I adore them, but I don't like that I'm losing the others. I don't know what happened and it's driving me insane.

Also, people wonder why I don't ask people to do things often times. It becomes like... unbearable when you ask and it's always no. Eventually I just want to stop. Even this weekend I tried again, once again no. I just don't understand.

I'm lost in this delirium and somehow the ship is balanced. Certain aspects of my life are healthier than ever. I have a clean room, I take on work full force, I'm focused on my hobbies. It's just that it's now not with people I used to do it with.

Is it the acknowledgement of a slowly decaying friendship? I'm unsure. And to those that think why can't people just be distant now? I get that, but I have a... let's call a table. I want to throw all of my affection at the people who sit at this table. I don't really care for people who sit near it or are maybe sitting at the table and just not... there?

Ugh, I'm so lost right now. I just want to play Magic, I want to play games, but now I don't know what to do. It also just makes me feel like I'm a problem. Maybe I am, I've been so frustrated the past couple of months.

I have to throw all this into other things, work, the podcast, etc. Maybe it'll fix itself or maybe I have to accept some sort of breakdown.

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